Niekedy majú zmeny zavedené v novom vydaní vedľajšie účinky, ktorým sa nedokážeme rozumne vyhnúť alebo by spôsobili objavenie chýb inde. Tu dokumentujeme problémy, ktorých sme si vedomí. Tiež si prosím prečítajte errata, dokumentáciu relevantných balíkov, hlásenia o chybách a ďalšie informácie, ktoré spomína Oddiel 5.1, “Ďalšie čítanie”.
Existujú niektoré balíky, pre ktoré Debian nemôže sľúbiť poskytovanie minimálných spätných portov v prípade bezpečnostných problémov. Tieto sú popísané v nasledovných častiach.
Balík debian-security-support
pridaný vo vydaní Jessie pomáha sledovať stav bezpečnostnej podpory
nainštalovaných balíkov.
Debian 8 obsahuje niekoľko nových jadier prehliadačov, ktoré postihuje neustály tok nových bezpečnostných zraniteľností. Vysoký tok zraniteľností a čiastočný nedostatok podpory vo forme vetiev s dlhodobou podporou znamená, že je pre nás veľmi ťažké podporovať tieto prehliadače spätne portovanými bezpečnostnými opravami. Naviac, závislosti na knižniciach znemožňujú aktualizáciu na novšie vydania od dodávateľa. Preto sú prehliadače založené na jadrách webkit, qtwebkit a khtml súčasťou Jessie, ale nevzťahuje sa na ne bezpečnostná podpora. Tieto prehliadače by ste nemali používať na prístup k nedôveryhodným stránkam.
Ako všeobecný prehliadač odporúčame prehliadače Iceweasel alebo Chromium.
Chromium - hoci je postavený na kóde Webkit - je to tzv. listový balík, ktorý bude priebežne aktualizovaný opätovným zostavením aktuálnej verzie Chrome v prostredí stabilného vydania. Iceweasel a Icedove budú tiež udržiavané aktuálne opätovným zostavením aktuálnej ESR verzie v prostredí stabilného vydania.
Platforma Node.js je postavená na libv8-3.14
, ktoré postihuje veľké množstvo
bezpečnostných problémov, ale momentálne projekt nemá žiadnych dobrovoľníkov
ani bezpečnostný tím s dostatočným záujmom, ochotných stráviť veľké množstvo
času riešením tohto typu problémov.
Unfortunately, this means that libv8-3.14
, nodejs
, and the associated node-* package
ecosystem should not currently be used with untrusted content, such as
unsanitized data from the Internet.
Okrem toho tieto balíky nebudú dostávať žiadne bezpečnostné aktualizácie počas životného cyklu vydania Jessie.
V snahe viac zabezpečiť predvolenú konfiguráciu bude mať odteraz balík
štandardne nastavenú
voľbu „PermitRootLogin without-password“. Ak potrebujete používať účet
používateľa root
v spojení s prihlasovaním pomocou hesla,
táto zmena na vás môže mať vplyv.
sa pokúsi takéto
prípady detegovať a zvýši prioritu výzvy debconf.
Ak chcete zachovať prihlasovanie pomocou hesla pre používateľa
, môžete tiež preseed na zodpovedanie tejto otázky
vopred pomocou:
$ echo 'openssh-server openssh-server/permit-root-login boolean true' | debconf-set-selections
If you are using Puppet, please be aware that Puppet 3.7 is not backwards compatible with Puppet 2.7. Among other things, the scoping rules have changed and many deprecated constructs have been removed. See the Puppet 3.x release notes for some of the changes, although be aware that there are further changes in 3.7.
Checking the log files of your current puppetmaster for deprecation warnings and resolving all of those warnings before proceeding with the upgrade will make it much easier to complete the upgrade. Alternatively, or additionally, testing the manifests with a tool like Puppet catalog test may also find potential issues prior to the upgrade.
When upgrading a Puppet managed system from Wheezy to Jessie, you must
ensure that the corresponding puppetmaster runs at least Puppet version
3.7. If the master is running Wheezy's puppetmaster
, the managed Jessie system will not
be able to connect to it.
For more information on incompatability changes, please have a look at Telly upgrade issues and "The Angry Guide to Puppet 3".
Aktualizácia na Jessie obsahuje aktualizáciu PHP z 5.4 na 5.6. To môže maž vplyv na akékoľvek miestne skripty PHP a odporúčame vám skontrolovať tieto skripty pred vykonaním aktualizácie. Nižšie je vybraná podmnožina týchto problémov:
To prevent man-in-the-middle attacks against encrypted transfers, client streams now verify peer certificates by default.
As a result of this change, existing code using ssl:// or tls:// stream wrappers (e.g. file_get_contents(), fsockopen(), stream_socket_client()) may no longer connect successfully without manually disabling peer verification via the stream context's "verify_peer" setting.
For more information about this particular issue, please read this document.
PHP v mnohých prípadoch mení rozlišovanie veľkosti písmen:
All internal case insensitivity handling for class, function, and constant names is done according to ASCII rules. Current locale settings are ignored.
The keywords "self", "parent", and "static" are now always case insensitive.
The json_decode() function no longer accepts non-lowercase variants of "boolean" values.
The logo GUID functions (e.g. php_logo_guid()) have been removed.
It is no longer possible to overwrite keys in static scalar arrays. Please see PHP bug 66015 for an example and more information about this particular issue.
The mcrypt_encrypt(), mcrypt_decrypt() and mcrypt_{MODE}() functions no longer accept keys or IVs with incorrect sizes. Furthermore an IV is now required if the used block cipher mode requires it.
For legal reasons, the JSON implementation bundled with PHP has been replaced with the version provided by the "jsonc" PECL module. Code that makes assumptions about the finer implementation details of the PHP JSON parser may need to be reviewed.
The "short_open_tag" setting is now disabled by default. Short tags ("<?" and "?>") are scheduled for removal in PHP7.
For more information or the full list of potential issues, please have a look at upstream's list of backwards incompatible changes for PHP 5.5 and 5.6.
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This section only applies to systems which have installed an Apache HTTPD server and configured it manually. |
There have been a number of changes to the configuration of the Apache HTTPD server in version 2.4. On the upstream side, the syntax has changed. Notably, the access control directives have changed considerably and will need manual migration to the new directives.
The mod_access_compat
module is mentioned in the upstream
upgrade guide as a possible alternative to immediate migration. However,
the reports suggest it may not always work.
The managing of configuration files has also been changed in the Debian
packaging. In particular, all configuration files and sites must now end
with ".conf" to be parsed by default. This change also replaces the
existing use of /etc/apache2/conf.d/
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During the upgrade, you may also see warnings about configuration files
placed in |
Ďalšie informácie a úplný zoznam zmien nájdete v:
Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2 document provided by Apache for the upstream side.
The /usr/share/doc/apache2/NEWS.Debian.gz
file provided
by the apache2
Jessie sa dodáva s predvoleným init systémom
. Tento balík sa
nainštaluje automaticky počas aktualizácie.
Ak preferujete iný init systém ako sysvinit-core
alebo upstart
, odporúča sa nastaviť APT pinning pred
aktualizáciou. To môže byť nutné aj v prípade, že aktualizujete kontajnery
LXC pred aktualizáciou hostiteľa. V takom prípade si prosím prečítajte Oddiel 4.8.1, “Aktualizácia hosťov LXC bežiacich na hostiteľoch Wheezy”.
Napríklad, aby ste zabránili inštalácii systemd-sysv
počas aktualizácie, môžete vytvoriť
súbor s názvom /etc/apt/preferences.d/local-pin-init
nasledovným obsahom:
Package: systemd-sysv Pin: release o=Debian Pin-Priority: -1
![]() | Výstraha |
Pamätajte, že niektoré balíky sa nemusia chovať úplne správne pod neštandardným init systémom. |
Please note that the upgrade may install packages containing "systemd" in
their name even with APT pinning. These alone do not
change your init system. To use systemd as your init system, the
package must be
installed first.
If APT or aptitude has issues computing an upgrade path with the pin in
place, you may be able to help it by manually installing both sysvinit-core
and systemd-shim
The new default init system, systemd-sysv
, has a stricter handling of failing
"auto" mounts during boot compared to sysvinit. If it fails to mount an
"auto" mount (without the "nofail" option), systemd will drop to an
emergency shell rather than continuing the boot.
We recommend that all removable or "optional" mount points (e.g.
non-critical network drives) listed in /etc/fstab
either have the "noauto" or the "nofail" option.
If you are upgrading from previous releases, your system may contain obsolete init-scripts provided by (now) removed packages. These scripts may have inaccurate or no dependency metadata, which can lead to dependency cycles in your init configuration.
To avoid this, we recommend that you go and review the list of packages that are in the "rc" ("Removed, but Config-files remain") state, and purge at least all those containing init-scripts.
Please see Oddiel 3.8.1, “Vyčistenie (purge) odstránených balíkov” for details on finding and purging removed packages.
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This section only applies to systems where Debian-provided init scripts have been modified locally. |
If you have modified some of the init scripts provided by Debian, please be aware that these may now have been superseded by a systemd unit file or by systemd itself. If you have debsums installed, you can check for locally modified init scripts by using the following shell command.
debsums -c -e | grep ^/etc/init.d
Alternatively, the following can be used in the absence of debsums.
dpkg-query --show -f'${Conffiles}' | sed 's, /,\n/,g' | \ grep /etc/init.d | awk 'NF,OFS=" " {print $2, $1}' | \ md5sum --quiet -c
If either command flags any files and their corresponding packages
or the systemd
now provides an systemd unit file for that service, the systemd unit file
will take precedence to your locally modified init script. Depending on the
nature of the change, there are different way to perform the migration.
If necessary, it is possible to override the systemd unit file to have it start the sysvinit script. For more information on systemd unit files, please have a look at the following resources.
How Do I Convert A SysV Init Script Into A systemd Service File?
My Service Can't Get Realtime! (also contains a very short mention on invoking init scripts from unit files)
Ak zavádzanie vášho systému prebieha interaktívne (napríklad vyžaduje
zadanie hesla k šifrovanému disku), uistite sa, že máte nainštalovaný
a nakonfigurovaný plymouth
. Informácie o konfigurovaní plymouth
nájdete na /usr/share/doc/plymouth/README.Debian
Ak nemáte plymouth
, môže sa stať, že
sa výzva počas zavádzania systému nezobrazí. Hlásenia naznačujú, že
cryptsetup síce prijíma vstup, no ten sa nezobrazuje. Ak narazíte na tento
problém, po napísaní správneho hesla by vám malo byť umožnené normálne
pokračovať ďalej.
Udalosti ACPI môže spracovávať buď logind alebo acpid. V prípade, že sú obe služby nakonfigurované, aby spracovávali udalosti rôznymi spôsobmi, môže to viesť k nežiaducim výsledkom.
Odporúčame previesť akékoľvek neštandardné nastavenia do logind a odinštalovať acpid. Alternatívou je nastaviť logind, aby ignoroval udalosti ACPI, pridaním:
HandlePowerKey=ignore HandleSuspendKey=ignore HandleHibernateKey=ignore HandleLidSwitch=ignore
do /etc/systemd/logind.conf
. Všimnite si, že to môže
zmeniť správanie pracovných prostredí, ktoré závisia na logind.
Niektoré funkcie cryptsetup bohužiaľ nie sú podporované, ak používate systemd ako init systém. Sú to:
Ak úspešné zavedenie vášho systému spolieha na niektorú z týchto funkcií,
budete musieť ako init systém použiť sysvinit (sysvinit-core
). Informácie o tom, ako sa vyhnúť
konkrétnemu init systému nájdete v časti Oddiel 4.6, “Aktualizácia na Jessie nainštaluje nový predvolený init systém”.
Ak chcete skontrolovať, či váš systém používa niektorú z týchto funkcií, spustite nasledovný príkaz:
grep -e precheck -e check -e checkargs -e noearly -e loud -e keyscript /etc/crypttab
Ak vyššie uvedený príkaz nič nevypíše, váš systém nepoužíva žiadnu z uvedených funkcií.
A regression was reported in systemd after the Jessie release. The bug occurs during shutdown or reboot, where systemd does not give any reasonable delay before issuing SIGKILL to processes. This can lead to data loss in processes that have not saved all data at the time of the reboot (e.g. running databases).
This issue is tracked in the Debian bug #784720
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Táto časť je len pre ľudí, ktorí si zostavujú vlastné jadro. Ak používate jadrá, ktoré zostavil Debian, môžete túto časť ignorovať. |
The following kernel configuration options are now either required or recommended for Jessie (in addition to existing ones from previous releases):
# Voľbu vyžaduje udev CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y # Voľbu vyžadujú *niektoré* služby systemd CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y # Voľbu vyžaduje "bluez" (GNOME) CONFIG_BT=y # Voľbu vyžaduje cups + systemd. CONFIG_PPDEV=y
The systemd services which require CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y will typically contain at least one of the following directives:
PrivateTmp=yes PrivateDevices=yes PrivateNetwork=yes ProtectSystem=yes
If you do not use systemd, or can assert that none of the systemd services will use the above directives, the config option might not be required for your particular system.
For more information about the requirements, please refer to the section
file for the package systemd
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Táto časť sa vzťahuje len na systémy, ktoré majú kontajnery alebo hostiteľa LXC. Systémy bežných koncových používateľov ich zvyčajne nemajú. |
The upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie will migrate your system to the systemd init system by default (see Oddiel 4.6, “Aktualizácia na Jessie nainštaluje nový predvolený init systém”).
When upgrading an LXC container or an LXC virtual machine, this will have different consequences depending on whether the host system has already been upgraded to Jessie or not.
If you are upgrading an LXC guest container that is running on a Wheezy host system, then you will need to prevent the guest from being automatically migrated to systemd. You prevent the migration via pinning, as described in Oddiel 4.6, “Aktualizácia na Jessie nainštaluje nový predvolený init systém”.
This is required as the Wheezy host lacks functionality to boot a system running systemd.
You should be able to switch over to systemd inside the LXC guest once you have upgraded the host system to Jessie. See the next paragraph for things that need to be adapted on Jessie hosts.
In order to be able to boot LXC guests with systemd, you need to adapt your
LXC container configuration. The container configuration can usually be
found in
You need to add the following two settings to the configuration:
lxc.autodev = 1 lxc.kmsg = 0
You can find further information on LXC in Debian in the Debian wiki.
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This section is only for people who have set up LUKS encrypted disks themselves using the whirlpool hash. The debian-installer has never supported creating such disks. |
If you have manually set up an encrypted disk with LUKS whirlpool, you will need to migrate it manually to a stronger hash. You can check if your disk is using whirlpool by using the following command:
# /sbin/cryptsetup luksDump <disk-device>
| grep -i whirlpool
For more information on migrating, please see item "8.3 Gcrypt 1.6.x and later break Whirlpool" of the cryptsetup FAQ.
Pracovné prostredie GNOME 3.14 v Jessie už viac neobsahuje záložnú podporu pre počítače bez základného urýchľovania 3D grafiky. Aby správne bežalo, potrebuje buď dostatočne nové PC (potrebnú podporu SSE2 by malo mať akékoľvek PC zostavené v posledných 10 rokoch) alebo v prípade architektúr iných ako i386 a amd64, grafická karta s 3D akceleráciou a ovládačom s podporou EGL.
Na rozdiel od iných ovládačov OpenGL, ovládač AMD FGLRX pre karty Radeon nepodporuje rozhranie EGL. Z toho dôvodu sa niekoľko aplikácií GNOME vrátane jadra pracovného prostredia GNOME vôbec nespustí ak sa používa tento ovládač.
Odporúča sa namiesto neho používať slobodný ovládač
, ktorý je v jessie predvolený.
Predvolené klávesové skratky v GNOME sa zmenili, aby lepšie zodpovedali svojim náprotivkom v niektorých iných operačných systémoch.
Shortcut settings previously modified by the user will be preserved upon upgrade. These settings can still be configured from the GNOME control center, accessible from the top right menu by clicking on the "settings" icon.
The upgrade of the base-passwd
package will reset the shell of some system users to the "nologin" shell.
This includes the following users:
If your local setup requires that any of these users have a shell, you should say no to migrating, or migrate and then change the shell of the corresponding users. Notable examples include local backups done via the "backup" user with "ssh-key" authentication.
![]() | Výstraha |
The migration will happen automatically if your debconf question priority is "high" or above. |
If you know you want to keep the current shell of a given user, you can preseed the questions by using the following:
echo 'base-passwd base-passwd/system/username
/_usr_sbin_nologin boolean false' | debconf-set-selections
Where username
is the name of the user in
question and current-shell-mangled
is the mangled
name of the shell. The mangling is done by replacing all characters other
than alphanumerics, dashes, and underscores with underscores.
E.g. /bin/bash becomes _bin_bash.
The Kontact Personal Information Management system has received a major upgrade. The new version makes much greater use of metadata indexing and each user's data must be migrated into these new indices.
E-mail, calendar events, and addressbook contacts are automatically migrated when the user logs in and the relevant component is started. Some advanced settings such as e-mail filters and custom templates require manual intervention. Further details and troubleshooting suggestions are collected on the Debian Wiki.
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This issue is currently reported as fixed in Jessie. Should you stil be able to reproduce it, then please follow up to Debian Bug#766462. Note that you may have to unarchive the issue first (please refer to the Debian BTS control server documentation on how to unarchive bugs). |
If you have multiple desktop environments installed, you may experience that none of the "virtual consoles" show a login prompt.
This issue seems to occur when plymouth
, systemd
, and GNOME are all installed. This
issue is reported as Debian Bug#766462.
It has been reported that removing the "splash" argument from the kernel
command-line may work around the issue. Please see
and remember to run
after updating the file.
There is a compatibility issue in grub-pc
with older graphics cards (e.g. the
"ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR") that can cause it to show a blank screen during
boot. The display may issue a "VGA signal out of range" message (or
something similar).
A simple work around is to set GRUB_TERMINAL=console
The crontab
program is now more strict and may refuse to
save a changed cron file if it is invalid. If you experience issues with
crontab -e
, please review your crontab for existing
From version 5.18 (and 5.20, which is included in Jessie), Perl will exit
with a fatal error if it encounters unreadable module paths in
. The previous behavior was to skip such entries. It
is recommended to check the contents of @INC
in your
environment for directories which are not world-readable, and take
appropriate action.
You can see the default @INC
for Perl by running
perl -V.
The version of ganeti
released with Jessie does not support migrations from installations running
2.5 or earlier (including Wheezy) in cases where there are instances with
DRBD disks. It is hoped that this issue will be fixed in a point release,
and recommended that you do not upgrade affected Ganeti clusters in the
meantime. You can find more information about this issue at Debian Bug#783186.
The recommended procedure to upgrade a Ganeti cluster from Wheezy's
version (2.5.2-1) to Jessie's
(2.12.0-3) is to stop all instances and then upgrade and reboot all nodes at
once. This will ensure that all instances run with Jessie's hypervisor
version and that all nodes run the same versions of Ganeti and DRBD.
Note that running a cluster with mixed 2.5 and 2.12 nodes is not supported. Also note that, depending on the hypervisor, instance live migrations may not work between Wheezy and Jessie hypervisor versions.
If a client requests that a file should be "opened for execution", Samba4 will require the executable bit to be set on the file in addition to the regular read permissions. This also causes "netlogon" scripts to be silently ignored if they lack this executable bit.
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This section only applies to people that have manually changed their
If you have both busybox
and cryptsetup
installed plus configured initramfs
to not use busybox, then it may render your system
Please check the value of your BUSYBOX setting in
if you have both of
these packages installed. At this time, known work arounds are uninstalling
or setting
![]() | Varovanie |
If you had to make any changes, please remember to run
Please see Debian Bug#783297 for more information.