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The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
This document answers questions frequently asked about Debian GNU/Linux.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 1996-2013 by Software in the Public Interest, portions copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006 Kamaraju Kusumanchi
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document
provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this document
under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting
derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to
this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this document into
another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that
this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free
Software Foundation instead of in the original English.
- 1 Definitions and overview
- 2 Getting and installing Debian GNU/Linux
- 3 Choosing a Debian distribution
- 4 Compatibility issues
- 5 Software available in the Debian system
- 6 The Debian FTP archives
- 7 Basics of the Debian package management system
- 7.1 What is a Debian package?
- 7.2 What is the format of a Debian binary package?
- 7.3 Why are Debian package file names so long?
- 7.4 What is a Debian control file?
- 7.5 What is a Debian conffile?
- 7.6 What is a Debian preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm script?
- 7.7 What is an Essential, Required, Important, Standard, Optional, or Extra package?
- 7.8 What is a Virtual Package?
- 7.9 What is meant by saying that a package Depends, Recommends, Suggests, Conflicts, Replaces, Breaks or Provides another package?
- 7.10 What is meant by Pre-Depends?
- 7.11 What is meant by unknown, install, remove, purge and hold in the package status?
- 7.12 How do I put a package on hold?
- 7.13 How do I install a source package?
- 7.14 How do I build binary packages from a source package?
- 7.15 How do I create Debian packages myself?
- 8 The Debian package management tools
- 9 Keeping your Debian system up-to-date
- 10 Debian and the kernel
- 11 Customizing your installation of Debian GNU/Linux
- 12 Getting support for Debian GNU/Linux
- 13 Contributing to the Debian Project
- 14 Redistributing Debian GNU/Linux in a commercial product
- 15 Changes expected in the next major release of Debian
- 16 General information about the FAQ
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The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
version 8.0, 1 May 2015
Authors are listed at Debian FAQ Authors